Saturday, April 24, 2021

The worst thing a woman can be is DIRTY 

Friday, April 16, 2021

 I will be heart led.

Each morning I will wake up and breath, with my hand over my heart
Ask myself - what does my heart WANT? What does it FEEL? What does it NEED?

Not my head. Not my logic. Not my anxiety. My heart.
The space where love lies. 
The space where connection lies.

The mind/head is where disconnect happens, where ego and individualism come in

But the heart is different. The heart doesn't care about that stuff. It just wants to be love. So it needs to be nurtured and put on a pedastal.

What does my heart need today in order to be felt, satisfied, and heard? 
What can I do to be in alignment with my heart?
How can I be heart-led today?
