Sunday, May 23, 2021
Monday, May 3, 2021
Yesterday driving home I asked myself "is it possible that life is going well for me right now?" and I really thought about what that means and looks like. Instead of creating problems or expecting life to be this hectic and stressful event constantly, life can actually be good.
I create stress and problems with everything I do.
Food isn't healthy enough, so I create stress around eating
I'm not doing a good enough job, so stress is created
Relationships aren't satisfying, stress is created
etc etc etc
But there's an expectation to that, a familiar energy, that can be changed
It's so hard to articulate it properly
But, life can just flow
Every second doesn't need to be thought of so deeply, things don't need to be read into as much
Life can simply be okay. Life can be going well. Relationships can be good, work can be going well, things can be okay.