Monday, May 4, 2009

so here it is. sleeping is funny. being awake is funny. not knowing the difference between the two, is even more funny. it's startling when you rise and the sun is shining on your face and you think you're awake. you go through the day and the sun drops below the horizon. you sleep soundly. you think you've taken turns getting up, going to sleep, getting up, going to sleep. but you have not. it rains and it rains and you are protected. and each day you feel the ache in your veins for something more. but then theres something you notice when you rise from your nightly darkness. the walls of your cave have dissapeared. they are crumbled beneath those bed of rocks. it is still raining. you are drenched. you outstretch your arms and you stare directly at the sun, inhaling delicate tear drops from every inch of the road. the sun and the rain. you inhale. you exhale. can't stop, don't ever want to stop. you thought you were awake this whole time. but it's once the cave walls shatter and you realize there's nothing protecting you, that you have so much fucking optimism.

it's true; once you've lost everything you're free to do anything.
i just prooved it to myself. i could have described it better but feelings can be better than words, sometimes. thank you, anyhow though. all of you. even you. yes.

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