Tuesday, June 3, 2014

does adult love feel like butterflies? does adult love feel like that subtle pulse of something new, exciting, and energizing, running through your veins? do you feel love in your feet when you're an adult and no longer innocent? is love different when innocent then when not? what really makes love pure? what if you spend so much time trying to fix the person you're with to be someone who caters more to your needs that while doing so you miss out on the real person that actually fits them? why do some people find love and keep it forever while some never find it and some find it but sink into the ground? why are some people able to recover quickly? why do some people never recover? why is love so powerful? where did love begin and why does love have a control on us more than any other emotion?

I can feel you in my feet. Sometimes the way someone coughs reminds me of you. Certain ways a persons feet turn in when they walk is a mirror image of you, just for a second. I walk around with the memories, the characteristics, and even the secondhand mindsets of those who have come and gone.

How can I tell you without freaking you out that I want to know everything about you?

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