Truth is accuracy.
Optimism is pretty much an essential quality if you want to be a relatively happy, contented person.
Optimism sprouts from the knowledge that you are in control of your own life, not your past and not those around you.
Feelings are something you have, not something you are.
Be the person you actually are, not the person you think you should be.
You manufacture beauty with your mind.
It is always safe to see yourself truthfully.
All the self-hatred or criticism in your life does not penetrate to the deepest level of you. For some reason it cannot.
Avoid self pity by taking responsibility for everything that happens to you, even if somebody else is at fault.
Repair yourself. Move forward. Move on.
Even f you are a victim, you must never be a victim.
While you wait for someone else to come along and set things right, life has move forward without you.
A common misconception is that confidence arises from ability and that if you want confidence, you have to get better at what you do. This is false. Confidence has nothing to do with ability.
If you want to be more confident, you do not need to add anything more to your personality or skill level. Confidence is a reduction of your own interest in weather others are thinking about you, and if so what they are thinking. To be more confident you need to give a whole lot less of a shit about what other people think of you.
As long as you pay attention only to what is happening right here, right this instant, you will be more fully yourself.
Be where you are when you're there, doing whatever it is you are doing.
Unscripted, unedited, and wholly authentic people are almost universally admired especially if they have flaws, are not afraid to make live, red blooded, mistakes, and rather than trying are simply busy being.
When you try to do or be something, you can't do or be it.
A lack of self esteem really suggest a feeling of shame over being oneself. Shame was dumped there by someone else. Shame is a very heavy, dense dissapointment; someone else's in you. Shame is the voice that bringas you "back down to earth."
People shame other people because they are jealous, reminded of themselves, or recognize in somebody else something they have been taught to hate.
If you hate life you haven't seen enough of it. If you hate your life, it is because your life is too small and doesn't fit you.
There is always dishonesty and the heart of unhappiness.
You can only live in the past inside your mind.
All of us are made not only of what we have but of what we lost.
Loss is not a subtraction. As an experience, it is an addition.
Insight leads to understanding which leads to choice.
The past does not haunt us. We haunt the past. We allow our minds to focus in that direction.
To live with your mind in the past- in the name of healing or understanding or overcoming- is to live in a fantasy world where nothing new or original is created.
What others see of you is only what you show them.
Until you define, precisely, just exactly what "happy" is, you will never feel it. By defining what happy meanings to you in absolutely concrete terms, you can then see what actions you need to take.
Even the most terrible loss doesn't have to make you darker; it can make you deeper.
Live inside the very moment you want to run away from.
Nothing is ever as bad as you anticipate it will be. Even the worst thing you can imagine is not so terrible when viewed from the inside.
The truth is the thing you recognize instantly even if you've never seen it before. You know.
Nothing you build on inaccuracy or mere hope or longing or lies or laws that oppose the nature of things can endure.
Follow what is true, no matter where it leads you.