Friday, November 28, 2014

we invest ourselves in people. if we didn't, what would be the point?

Monday, November 24, 2014

there is a very real moment in which defense mechanisms stop becoming protective and instead backfire inward and create more harm than good.

Saturday, November 22, 2014


everything is truly meant to happen for a reason.
sometimes we might not know the reasons in the moment, but we discover their true meaning days, months, years later.
life has been interesting because there is a true binary. a tornado of distruction in one area, a settle arangement of carefully places situations in another. a quack of uncontrollability in one, a whole world at the edge of my fingertips or maybe in the actual palm of my damn hand, in the other. it's a binary.
and binaries usually mean difference, contrast, positive and negative, one against the other.
which isn't to say they all must be bad. I mean a lot can be learned from contrasting things. Contrasting situations, people, things and places.
It's interesting when you move away right as your world is literally crumbling or rather sinking slowly into quicksand while you move to a world that is the complete opposite. While you move to a newly built city, anxiously anticipating opening its doors.
There is a true beauty to be seen here.
Not only is there beauty in destruction, in something that is begging to be REcreated, in something that is begging for water. There is clear beauty if creation, in the most fundamental form. There is true beauty in the way you can create something from absolutely nothing.
There is beauty in freezing the very moments that exist within the minutes of each and every day. The confines of each and every second that form the structure that is the minute we judge our appearances by, that so in turn form the same hours we remember memories by. There is no greater beauty than realizing where you are, realizing that the very second that is within the very minute in which you are existing, in the very minsecule moment you are breathing, there is aboslutely nothing that is going to hurt you. There is nothing at all that could alter the very stillness that surrounds you; whether it be the simply but yet complex way the seat you are sitting on is supporting you, or the way in which the trees smell while you're walking past then while the wind breezes, or if it's the way some total stranger looks at the moon and then looks at you while they're walking past, and makes it a point to tell you to look at the moon as well. I mean there is an extreme subtle beauty here that I think is often missed in everyday life, in everyday interaction.