Thursday, December 20, 2012

So I am secretary for a club at school.
I created an end of semester survey to get some feedback.
I asked people what they would change and for some reason I liked this girls answer. Seemed like something someone would say if they were to voice-over my life in movie format. Or, maybe I just like how it sounds. Idk.

Q: what would you change?
A: nothing at the moment. Maybe the room. I hate these chairs.
If I were a house I would be one of the ones you don't notice at first but once you do, you can't take your eyes off it.
I meet someone attracted & fall in love with the idea of them.
I don't know how to love anyone bc I can't even love myself.
There is so much arm here.
I am still pushing away.
This is the opposite of what I know I need to be doing.
So then why do I do it?
The sadness is too comfortable.
The silence is too loud yet allows me to sink.
I want to escape like I always have.
I've been saying the same things for years.
I am a pathetic person with no passion and no definition.
I don't know how to have fun.
I just want to sleep.
I just want to be somebody else or feel different or redefine everything I've known. I am tired of feeling this way.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I still think about being intimate with a girl quite a lot.
I still want it to happen.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"you can't just major in Psychology because you think it's going to fix you. you actually have to want it"

Monday, December 17, 2012

I don't know myself well but I do atleast know that I LOVE Franz Ferdinand

Sunday, December 9, 2012

he told me he thought i'd never lose myself,
yet that's all I think I have become.
I keep trying to ignore it, but underneath it all I truly feel like I have no true friends.

and I feel like it is my fault.

I don't know what to do.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

I need to create somethingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
I need something to feel real
I need something to last
I need to fall in love
Create a picture
A painting
Go somewhere
Do something
Find a purpose
Find a direction
I am sinking
I don't know
This is not living
This is not happiness
This is invisibility
This is insecurity.

It takes a tremendous amount of energy to try and act like nothing bothers me.
It takes an enormous amount of energy to act like I don't feel 100% alone in this world.
I just can't escape the hindering and suffocating distance I feel from everyone around me.

I feel so fucking alone.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

If/when (clearly preparing myself) I live in a dorm, I will have to prepare myself for those nights in which I get drunk and then cannot smoke in my dorm room. I will have to go outside, find somewhere to smoke real fast, and then proceed to do so. This will be a change of pace.

A change of pace is what I need.

I thought I wanted to stop smoking anyways?!

There will be numerous nights of me walking far as fuck because I didn't want to catch the bus.
If every girl wears heels at PSU then  I don't know how I will deal with that.
Heels are for attention whores.
I am who I am. I am short. I don't need to accentuate anything else with heels.
Heels are only meant to be worn on special occasions.

You best fucking believe.
I am not, nor will I ever be, one to judge.

This can be taken in both negative and positive ways.
It really seems like Billy Corgan hates all other bands categorized in the same genre as he is. Why does he feel so superior? He is not the greatest. In fact, he is known to be one of the biggest assholes in the industry. Sure, he's smart. But his presence on stage, which is what a lot of the fans base their opinion off of, will agree that he is an arrogant fool.

"What is the issue that is eating you up? What is the personal fear that you can’t resolve and you can’t tolerate? Are you getting old with fucking NOTHING to show for it? Then, write Invisible Monsters. Are you worried that your brain or talent isn’t capable of creating anything interesting or unique, and you’ll die and rot and be forgotten – failing everyone you love? Well, then write Diary. My point is, use the story to explore and exhaust an issue of your own. Otherwise, you’re just dicking around, playing “let’s pretend.” If you can be ruthless and honest about your own fear, you express something that other people can’t express. You can resolve your own anxiety – through research, discussion, experiment – and that freedom is what brings you back to writing.

What could you never talk about in a million years? Then, write about that."
I'm sorry I kiss you all the time.
I don't really want to.
I probably shouldn't.
I like to ask questions, listen to music,  write, try new food, travel, help people, learn about why people act the way that they do.

where can this all lead me!?!?!?!?!?!?

Monday, November 26, 2012

I just wanna know what it feels like to actually LIKE someone and not just have slight physical attraction for them

Sunday, November 25, 2012

I just can't rid the thought that no matter how many people we surround ourselves with, how much we confide in them, and how much we trust them, we are all alone in it all and we will all die alone.

I know it's sad but it's just the truth.

We are each our own separate entity and even when we come together we are still a part
I still kind of think it is a reasonable outcome that there are people who emit positive energy and people who emit negative energy. Both are needed to balance each other out within the confines of the atmosphere. What if I am innately made to emit negative energy....?
The worst part of this all is that nobody can help me but myself yet I don't know how to help myself. Nobody can tell me what to be or think or do or feel, only me.

If I had passion I wouldn't be so lonely. If I had goals and aspirations I wouldn't be so alone. I need something to reach for, something to create and house myself within.

I don't want to find another person for that. I want to create a life for myself doing the things I love. but what are those things? I don't get how I cannot tell you what I love. I don't understand this.

How do I find this passion? This existential reasoning?
I am afraid that without it I will just disintegrate into thin air
I want to have a mental break down so I can figure out how to correctly place myself in this society.

I have no fucking idea what i 'm doing or why i'm doing it.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

i guess the reason i hate sexual inclinationblust is this: even if the smarter and more interesting girl isnt as good looking, the best good looking girl will get the majoritty of the attention despite their ability to be or do something.  just. sexual want and i guess even need makes people blind to who and what people actually are. i dont like or want it. i want someone to know and like who i am without ever experience that side of me first. sex should come later, third, fourth. not first or second. i guess this is the reason. i guess i can pretend to know what im talking about
what happens when you bring your friend to a party with you and she's hotter than you are?

Friday, November 23, 2012

i dont know how to have feelings for guys.

i want to take time off from school. live on my own.
i want to sleep too much until i get sick of sleeping. then i want to experiment with things that will occupy me while i dont want to sleep.
i want to start yoga and meditation. i want to change my mindset, my lifestyle, myself.
i want to find myself, my purpose, my reason.
i want to find my center and the correct energy that resonates.
i want to find the correct steps, if there are even any steps  at aill.
i want to stop wanting things and instead be where i have no wants.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Idk I probably could fall in love with someone just by the way they ate my pussy

Sunday, November 18, 2012

oh and one more thing

when you are in love, you let that person grow into you. when you aren't, you only let them grow alongside you.
passion passion passion I want to be filled with passion. I want my veins to become colored and solid, never changing or altering. same with myself. I want to become something for the sake of an idea. I want to lose myself to something, give all I can to the accomplishment of a long term dream. Where are my hope and dream? Where are my desires? where the hell am I?

Friday, November 16, 2012

yeah she's wearing the night's expression
I want to fall in love to Minus the Bear but it'll never happen ya know?
nobody understands me and I have a poor way of letting myself out.


Saturday, November 10, 2012

i'll never let on that I was a sinking ship, i'll never let on that I was down
tonights agenda:



Friday, November 9, 2012

I want to fall in love again but I am afraid i'd begin to miss it too much once it is gone and then
I would slip.

It's all about conquering the fear. The fear. The Fear.
if it is possible to fall in love with someone for a night... a mix of the person you think they are mixed with the person you are only a quarter of the time mixed with equal intentions and if music was actually love which was actually the theme of the night, then yes I did really fall in love.

For a night.
I am more lonely than I care to admit to even myself

Sunday, November 4, 2012

I am figuratively throwing up my feelings
he had facial hair and I didn't even touch it.
I must
I must
I must
train my mind to think positively
get a hobby-
         art pastels poltics environmentalism french photography music movies
do yoga/meditate
write 1 prompt a day
rearrange my room

Monday, October 29, 2012

I think my problem is that I read books I feel like i'm supposed to like and even if I don't I convince myself that I do.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

i'm so fucking tired of always being on the outside.

Friday, October 19, 2012

I guess if you wanna know what insanity is, read my twitter. lol.

(I am long overdue for some writing. where are the pastels?)
never rely on guys for correct timing procedures. they royally stink at it.
if you must know, the night always starts with three shots in a mixed drink.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

I don't want to believe that I am not in my 20's. NO. I don't want to be here. I want to go backwards and then forwards again. let me start over. let me. let me. this is scaring me

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Sunday, September 30, 2012

I am also the girl that tells everyone that everything is double sides. I am also the girl who tells people to look for the positivity not the negativity  I am the girl who knows there are things to smile about. I gotta stop living on the other side. Why is it so fucking easy?
nobody ever texts me just to see how I am.
The thing that bothers me the most, that I don't want to admit (REALLY REALLY DON'T WANT TO ADMIT) but know I have to, is that the person I miss the most, who knows me the best, who I want to recreate with every person I'll ever meet, I still love somewhere deep inside me.  And what kills me is to know that the feelings I know I harbor might not be reciprocated.

But it's not like I haven't dealt with it before, in a much harsher way.
I just never understood the meaning of never losing feeling for someone.
Finally, though, I realize it. It's been years.
The colors are turning black again. I am falling reverse. This needs to not happen
If I ever said or say I hate all my friends it's not true. Not true at all. It's really myself I hate.
I'll be honest here.

This has nothing to do with loneliness induced by Minus the Bear.
It has little to do with the seasons changing.
This has everything to do with the fact that I saw Curt again and the whole time felt that he was better than me. And you know why? Because once again, I was on the outside of it all. He was in his comfort zone with his three good friends and then there was me. On the outside. Again. For the millionth time. And I felt like he had it all together. He has his friends and his job and he's content with where he is, no matter how much he sucks at relationships or whatever. And he knows how to joke around. And then there's me. I feel like the complete opposite. I feel like I am constantly on a search for something I will never find. I am lonely as ever these past two days because I realized that someone I put myself in front of is really in front of me. I know that sounds wrong but it's true and it happened.

And how do you think that makes me feel, huh?
How do you think that makes me feel.
I meant to write home but I wrote love instead.

extreme Freudian slip. I don't hate it.
Fall of Troy Fall of Troy Fall of Troy
(fuck running home)
when love doesn't exist because it hasn't been created yet
I'm pissed that I decided to dye my hair only to fucking hate it.
I finally get the courage to make a change, even if it's relatively small, and look what happens.
Change is not good. Change fucking sucks

Thursday, September 27, 2012

If all I want is to be loved and to be able to absorb that same love and know I took full advange of the time I had with you, why I keep pushing you away?
of course the color I want to dye my hair doesn't come in fucking semi permanent. of course.
in some cases, love is the same fucking thing as hate. I never wanted to believe it but if you can't love you hate. love = hate.

Monday, September 24, 2012

I keep going backwards and forwards trying to determine my feelings

Friday, September 14, 2012

are you dead or are you sleeping? are you dead or are you sleep? are you dead or are you sleep? god, I sure hope you are dead.
I have been asking myself the same questions for years and years.

this is what insanity is, ISN'T IT?!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

If one plays it cool, one doesn't get hurt. right? right?

gotta slowly ease into it. slowly slowly.

but really, just that one little gesture means so much more than just one little gesture. If only people knew
It's never going to be how I want it to be, so why do I even waste my time thinking that maybe, somehow it will be?

Saturday, September 1, 2012

this kind of thinking could destroy a room
Maybe there is something wrong with me. I'd rather drunkenly come home and masturbate than drunkenly have sex with someone just because i'm horny.

This is probably going to surface as a big problem when I have a boyfriend. If I ever get myself there
I am always on
the outside for once
I would like to
be in the MIDDLE.

I have a year to define myself.
writing ideas
losing weight

Thursday, August 16, 2012

linkin park tried to go down the partial EDM path but I just am not really diggin' it.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

I hate all my friends. I hate all my friends I hate all my friends I hate all my friends I hate all my friends I hate all my friends I hate all my friends vI hate all my friends I hate all my friends I hate all my friends I hate all my friends I hate all my friends I hate all my friends I hate all my friends I hate all my friends. Nobody to relate to. What am I doing wrong!? Nobody wants to do the same things as me. Where am I where am I going Where do I go from here I have no idea. I hate all my friends I hate all my friends I hate all my friends I hate all my friends I hate all my friends I hate all my friends I hate all my friends I hate all my friends I hate all my friends I hate all my friends I hate all my friends .

Sunday, July 22, 2012

I don't want love I want solidification!
dating is definitely stupid. I decided I do not want a boyfriend. No way no how

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

melt my plastic skin
make me melt and melt and melt
turn me liquid
and drink me down down down
I want to drown and disintegrate in your being.
suck me down, keep me there, don't let me escape.
don't keep doing this

Saturday, July 14, 2012

whyyyyy do I care so much about what others thinkk?!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

you know i'm either drunk or in love when I play Minus the Bear in attempt to either hook up or simulate my feelings through music. or in an attempt to subtly show loneliness which is useless anyways.
I am super happy I got to see Umphrey's Mcgee atleast once in concert.
It's nice to meet you.
My name is Madi.
And I do not exist.

A list of bands to download

manchester orchestra
deer hunter
la dispute
silver chair
jerry cantrell
days of the new
sharks keep moving

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ghost Walker- Ian Mackenzie Jeffers

Sunday, July 8, 2012

don't like the feeling, as if the feeling is too much to handle, too much to defend oneself against.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

it makes me happy when people around me are consipring to complete the same goal I am; operation: let's drunk tonight.
I can't wait to go away to college.
once the important people come I fade fade fade away.

Friday, July 6, 2012

I want to go back to 8th grade when dry sex was the norm and premature ejaculation in ones pants didn't make a girl feel so bad.
gahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I hate sexual inclination!
why won't I let myself be happy? why don't I know how to be happy?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

lonliness always happens right before you start to like someone.
oh no/
ohhhhh no
All I want to do is get drunk, forget about the human condition, and fall in love. Just for tonight, and then maybe forever.

Monday, July 2, 2012

I don't know, man. I just feel like sometimes my life is piled high with all the wrong people

Sunday, June 24, 2012

"Another thing is that no matter how much you think you love somebody, you'll step back when the pool of their blood edges up too close"

"rampant intellectualism as a coping mechanism"

"This is the world we live in. Conditions change and we mutate."

"No matter how careful you are, there's going to the sense you missed something, the collapsed feeling under your skin that you didn't experience it all. There's that fallen heart feeling that you rushed right through the moments where you should've been paying attention. Well, get used to that feeling. That's how your whole life will feel someday. This is all practice. None of it matters. We're just warming up."

"When nobody will look at you, you can stare a hole in them. Picking out all the little details you'd never stare long enough to get if she'd ever just return your gaze, this, this is your revenge."

"Hysteria is impossible without an audience."

"The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open."

"When we don't know who to hate, we hate ourselves."

"Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everybody i've ever known."

"The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person."

" 'Relax,' Brandy says, 'Whatever you're thinking a million other folks are thinking. Whatever you do, theyre doing, and none of you is responsible. All of you is cooperative effort.'"

"You're a product of our language and how our laws are how we believe our god wants us. Every bitty molecule about you has already been thought out by some million people before you. Anything you can do is boring and old and perfectly okay. You're safe because you're so trapped inside your culture. Anything you can conceive of is fine because you can conceive of it. You can't imagine any way to escape. There's no way you can get out."

"What you run from only stays with you longer. When you fight something, you only make it stronger."

"Don't do what you want. Do what you don't want. Do what you're trained not to want."

"Do the thing that scares you the most."

"Beauty if power the way money is power the way a loaded gun is power."

"Our real discoveries come from chaos. From going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish."

"It's because we're so trapped in our culture, in the being of being human on this planet with the brains we have, and the same two arms and two legs everybody has. We're so trapped that any way we could imagine to escape would be just another part of the trap. Anything we want, we're trained to want."

"That's what I love about fire, how it would kill me as quick as anybody else. How it can't know i'm its mother. It's so beautiful and powerful and beyond feeling anything for anybody, that's what I love about fire."

"There's no escaping fate, it just keeps going."

Saturday, June 23, 2012

no matter how far away we are, we still have never left.

Friday, June 22, 2012

people would hate me if they read this blog.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I wake up when everybody is sleeping. Quietly, the people around me dream of worlds they wish they knew, only to wake up and forget their longing. With a swiftness of motion I only wish I could harbor, these same people glide through the stream of the day effortlessly fitting into the structural mold set out before them. Each morning they rise, and mold themselves around the cookie cutter outline that they hang up to rest every single night, right before they melt and head back into the same familiar dream world. The movements these people make, the way they dress, the things they say, and the way they look- it all goes together in this coherent fashion. It all somehow makes sense. But me, I am a mess of individual tangled webs, floating distantly from each other. I am grey matter, and these people are rainbows. Their light shines on me when I am sleeping, and my eyes take awhile to adjust. This process needs to be turned around somehow. Together, the molds should be coherent and easy to fit inside of. But for me, I have no shape. I squirm around without solidification, forever wishing to find my shape.
I do not want the harbor the feeling that love is going to fill me up, save me, or solidify my lines. I do not want to harbor the feeling or belief that love is powerful beyond all other things, and that even when everything else is grey, love will rain millions of tine little rainbow pieces into your lap and shower you with a rainbow of color. I do not want to rely on love to make me feel the way I know I long to feel or to give me the optimism and security I so desire. I do not want to feel the need to glide my fingers lovingly through one's hair, down one's spine, or gently across a persons lips. I do not want to ache for white sheets, and tangled legs matching tangled arms and the steady, familiar, and warm breath of another person against my cheek as the radiator hums and no words need to be said. I do not want to step foot in the doorway of the truly open, vast, white light, knowing I have to, or maybe already have, cut myself open. Utterly exposed, vulnerable, spilling all my liquid. I do not want this.

Just a few things;

Truth is accuracy.

Optimism is pretty much an essential quality if you want to be a relatively happy, contented person.

Optimism sprouts from the knowledge that you are in control of your own life, not your past and not those around you.

Feelings are something you have, not something you are.

Be the person you actually are, not the person you think you should be.

You manufacture beauty with your mind.

It is always safe to see yourself truthfully.

All the self-hatred or criticism in your life does not penetrate to the deepest level of you. For some reason it cannot.

Avoid self pity by taking responsibility for everything that happens to you, even if somebody else is at fault.

Repair yourself. Move forward. Move on.

Even f you are a victim, you must never be a victim.

While you wait for someone else to come along and set things right, life has move forward without you.

A common misconception is that confidence arises from ability and that if you want confidence, you have to get better at what you do. This is false. Confidence has nothing to do with ability.

If you want to be more confident, you do not need to add anything more to your personality or skill level.  Confidence is a reduction of your own interest in weather others are thinking about you, and if so what they are thinking.  To be more confident you need to give a whole lot less of a shit about what other people think of you.

As long as you pay attention only to what is happening right here, right this instant, you will be more fully yourself.

Be where you are when you're there, doing whatever it is you are doing.

Unscripted, unedited, and wholly authentic people are almost universally admired especially if they have flaws, are not afraid to make live, red blooded, mistakes, and rather than trying are simply busy being.


When you try to do or be something, you can't do or be it.

A lack of self esteem really suggest a feeling of shame over being oneself. Shame was dumped there by someone else. Shame is a very heavy, dense dissapointment; someone else's in you. Shame is the voice that bringas you "back down to earth."

People shame other people because they are jealous, reminded of themselves, or recognize in somebody else something they have been taught to hate.

If you hate life you haven't seen enough of it. If you hate your life, it is because your life is too small and doesn't fit you.

There is always dishonesty and the heart of unhappiness.

You can only live in the past inside your mind.

All of us are made not only of what we have but of what we lost.

Loss is not a subtraction. As an experience, it is an addition.

Insight leads to understanding which leads to choice.

The past does not haunt us. We haunt the past. We allow our minds to focus in that direction.

To live with your mind in the past- in the name of healing or understanding or overcoming- is to live in a fantasy world where nothing new or original is created.

What others see of you is only what you show them.

Until you define, precisely, just exactly what "happy" is, you will never feel it. By defining what happy meanings to you in absolutely concrete terms, you can then see what actions you need to take.

Even the most terrible loss doesn't have to make you darker; it can make you deeper.

Live inside the very moment you want to run away from.

Nothing is ever as bad as you anticipate it will be. Even the worst thing you can imagine is not so terrible when viewed from the inside.

The truth is the thing you recognize instantly even if you've never seen it before. You know.

Nothing you build on inaccuracy or mere hope or longing or lies or laws that oppose the nature of things can endure.

Follow what is true, no matter where it leads you.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

(you is still meaningless. but that's nothing new)

I want to permanently stain my fingertips on the surface of your skin, leaving my mark effortlessly but with every single bit of energy and all the total weight of molecules that are housed within my plastic skin.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

people should not get involved with me. I should not get involved with people.

for one, I'm into really weird things as far as aesthetics of the body go. I dig feet and ears and hands. smiles and eyes and there is probably nothing sexier than facial hair and hairy legs. (see, i'm weird!). I write stupid, non coherent, unimportant ramblings in my blog on a daily basis. I am only sarcastic up to a certain point and I am really not that funny. I don't think I have the capacity to love someone else because I don't really love myself. I mean, I want to love someone else but I don't like the process. That's a whole other story. lol. I'm bad at breaking the boundaries and at trusting people. Really, I am like a locked box and it's really hard to find my key. What really happens is that people usually end up throwing the box around on the cement ground, trying to break it open, but my liquid only spills a certain amount, and never more. But once it's more it's like there's too much liquid probably. If you can't swim, all there is to do is drown. So really, before you swim you've got to be okay to sink. And that's a lot to tell someone before they even get in the water.

things that make me want throw up on myself

(for good and bad reasons alike)

- the level of insecurity I harbor when comparing/in comparing myself to others.
- seemingly never getting what I want directly, but instead getting it at the next level down.
- the vastness of the world.
- nervousness before hanging with new people.
- realizing you don't stick out like a sore thumb and really it's just all in my head.
- without lust so many things would be meaningless.
- not being able to say no.
- the instantaneous reason that this is the key route of so many problems.
- seeing Radiohead live, Thom Yorke sining in front of my eyes as if I am the only one in the room.
- Love. (which is both good and bad, and why it should be kept 'till last)
the dilemna:

if I hooked up with boy number 1 I would start to feel like it was a dumb idea because he lacks the intelligence I like. just like, something is sort of missing there. but we have a lot in common and he is cute.

if I hooked up with boy number 2 I would start to feel bad because I am pretty positive he is into me more than I am into him and I'm not trying to hurt anyone.  he is also cute though and has a good personality, great smile, etc.

too many things start just by attraction. I don't like it. I don't like sexual inclination/want/desire until it actually occurs within a certain spectrum of some other kind of emotion.

guess I will have to play this superly by ear, but have to be careful not to hurt anyone while also remaining open to the idea that anything can happen and the people you least expect it can actually be the one to dive right down with you.

A typical case of me overthinking all courses of small actions I can, may, and will take.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

the apple of my eye is really a strawberry, I swear!

Monday, June 11, 2012

That life we once lived in so easily, so effortlessly. We lived it like we breathed it - in, out; in, out  not knowing that the time would come when every movement of our lives would be an effort, when we'd have to think about every step, every word, every gesture. Nothing's unconscious for me now, everything's self conscious.  -John Marsden, Checkers

I've always loved this quote ever since I read the book in 6th grade.

Friday, June 8, 2012

is it borderline alcoholism if I save my drink that I can't drink while i'm out, because I have drive, to drink at home, alone, in the comfort of my own bed?

although, I wouldn't say full comfort because I want to tangle legs tangle tongues tangle heart strings.


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

hmm...atleast I hide it well?
so well I don't even know where it goes

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

erasing all use of the word I. What if ego never existed? would happiness be more easily felt? would happiness be there at all?
I need to put a whiteboard in my room.
I need it. I need to sort my thoughts out in front of me, in big bold letters. this is essential. this will happen.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

I want to get drunk and have sex

Thursday, May 31, 2012

A bunch of horribly articulated thoughts.

I want to voice my thoughts but I have no thoughts. Words on white mean nothing do nothing say nothing go nowhere. I take my parents issues and for some reason subconsciously channel it into negative energy towards myself. I am not sure why I do this.  I open myself slightly but then close myself again and lock the doors before giving the key away. The reason for this behavior is insecurities; not feeling good enough, lack of confidence, feeling that I do not deserve love. This is most likely a result of so many encounters with unrequited love but only holds significance because I give it so much credit. What is nothing was given much significance? I guess life wouldn't be worth living. There are a lot of things I want to learn about but I do not have a good way of going about doing it. I need to split my time evenly between a bunch of things; effectively gaining ground in multiple areas to become rounded, solidified, and stable. I must learn to do things on my own, and understand the way life works completely. I must find my place in the world quickly and absorb all the knowledge there is to know about the government, world history, and how the world and people work generally. A lot of my time is spent figuring out how to spend my time. A lot of my time is spent trying to change myself. Trying to morph myself into the person I believe I should be. Is the person I want to be different from the person I am ultimately to become? Can they ever be the same? If you don't determine fully who you become, then who does? I need independence if I want to go anywhere. Somewhere, deep inside, I am still the shy girl afraid to talk to waitress at a restaurant when ordering dinner. Hesitation happens at any form of extroverted consciousness.

There is so much I want to say but my thoughts carry no mouths, just legs.
When will I stop asking myself what I am doing, and just do it?
There is no right and wrong in life. There is no should. There is no right way to live as long as you are still progressing forward. A person can do whatever they want. There is no cycle you need to live by, no clothes you need to buy, no lifestyle you need to abide by. But we are tangled in the webs of capitalism....atleast here in the US. and generally, we are strangled by the webs of government. But we would be the same with a lack of government too. We are free within our own human confines, within our own limitations and once we learn to fly at an even pace across the sky, we will learn the tricks.
The only limitations that really limit you are the law and your own mental strings born from life events that one places too much meaning on. We allow things to shape us just like we allow things to fall off our shoulders and onto the group. Eventually, we allow our water to be evaporated back into the air, only later letting it drench us and nourish us from the hot, hot sun.

There is so much I need to say but I don't know how, there's so much.
so much.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I want snuggles
I need a fucking boy with facial hair.

where you attttttttttttttttt!?
everybody masturbates after a night of smoking weed.

we are so weird about sexuality. we want to keep it a secret, as if we are almost ashamed. but at the same time, subtly like to flaunt it. we are both conservative and liberal on the subject. the reality is though, that everybody has a libido which is stimulated in basically the same way for everyone. once you find an easy medium for that, everybody is going to want it. it;s hard to resist innate tendency.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


(hello hello hello)


Sunday, May 27, 2012

I always have to remind myself that there is no right way to live life. That I don't NEED to go to college right now, or have my life figured out, but just that I do SOMETHING thing with my life and keep progressing forward. The world is an open place for me now. I can do what I want, go where I want to go. I am not restricted by any type of strings, except for the ones I create in my head. Monotonous cultural structure ruins the thirst for life and vastness of simple living!

I need to gain internal security, forget these insecurities, and rid myself of fear.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

you are not mine
and I am not yours
and that is okay
please don't judge me.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

people you're proud of in a comfortable environment.

cuteiewithfacialhairwhereareyoupleaseshowupatsomecompletelyrandomtimeandmakemefeelalltheswellingiwanttofeelagaintogetherletssinksinksinkandsimulataneouslyevaporatetogethertogether to get her
ohh, I want to swell

Monday, May 21, 2012

I just want to know what the root of loneliness is and why it occurs when you least expect it
I cannot begin to think about what it would be like for myself to split into two again. as if I have lost the feeling from being clothed for so long. it's like naked is an unknown concept, and I do nothing but cleanse my plastic skin without taking it off.

The water never gets hot enough to burn it away. I sit there for hours but am provided no relief.
Sometimes the sun whispers its prayers to me. But I ignore her because if she wanted the removal of the shield from all object, she would make it happen. But she doesn't. She knows that there is no such thing as penetration, as deep sea diving, unless the opposite in itself exists.

You cannot go down unless you go up. But you can go up without coming down.
lips raw
wanting the familiar but shy rhythm of someone elses skin
particles mixing and then evaporating into thin air.

fingerprints mark their territory,
only seen from a side angle,
all along my skin

the slight gaze of lips on lips.
a feeling I used to know well,
skin compiled on skin,
seeping deeper into the ocean.

we get lose in the haze
but it feels so good.
drinking ourselves in,
as if we are dehydrated
from the years long drought.

i have never opened my arms this wide
but time determines the tide.
I slip away, further to the bottom.
wishing, aching, for the flood to come
and open the gates again.

the water spills and we escape,
swimming ruthlessly through the windows,
yearning to catch the evaporated pixels
richocheying off the window sills.

if ever there were moment,
this would be it.
* slightly remastered *

My lips are raw, wanting the familiar but shy rhythm of someone else's skin and the particles mixing and then evaporating into thin air. Slowly, fingerprints mark their territory, only seen from a side angle, all along my skin.  The slight gaze of lips on lips; a feeling I used to know well. And as skin compiles on skin, we seep deeper into the ocean. We get lost in the haze, but it feels so good. Drinking ourselves in, as if we are dehydrated from the years long drought. I have never opened my arms this wide, but time determines the tide. I slip away, further to the bottom. Wishing, aching, desperately for the flood to come and open the gates again. And eventually the water spills and we escape, swimming ruthlessly through the windows,

yearning to catch the evaporated pixels that richochey off the window sills.

If ever there were moment, this would be it.

Monday, May 7, 2012

a free mind is a nourished mind.
a nourished mine is a healthy mind.
a healthy mind is a confident mind.
a confident mind is happy mind.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

one can never take a woman's knees for granted. The first time you see a woman's knees it's like she has undressed herself in the purest of sunlight. Right there in front of you are her legs, strong and sturdy, holding her up at all times, even when she feels weak enough to collapse. A woman's knees tell you everything about her. A woman's knees are begging to be touched.
I am awesome simply because of the things I do for people, not who I actually am.
housed within the cocoon of today.
warmed by the heavy protective blankets.
that were draped over me by mother,
I choose to turn my back to the light,
never wanting to escape
this warm and comfort
of this very day.
If I was confident, I could have anyone I wanted.


Saturday, May 5, 2012

I said I wasn't lonely but I think it's all a lie.
I am nothing BUT lonely....

it's as if I am housed in a glass box, watching the world move around me. watching lovers entwine, smiles broaden, and knowledge being learned. I watch as people make ground I feel is impossible to cover. I watch as the world passes by me, passes around me. never seeping into my skin. never wishing to penetrate through me, wanting me, calling me willfully to its attention. I stand in the background of this life, effortlessly invisible.

It is such a struggle
eat my plastic skin. tear along the seams of my plastic skin, pulling the invisible threads that connect the skin to the muscle to the bones. bathe me in boiling water. cleanse my skin and let it evaporate into thin air; forever invisible, no longer a barrier to the outside word. get rid of this horrid shield suffocating me, depriving me of the oxygen I so desire. cut my plastic skin, expose my insides, and pull them all out of me. leave me empty, longing, blank. leave me blank.

Friday, May 4, 2012

just. come take it all away. come clogged the drains with your clumps of hair left in the shower from numerous morning showers, becoming more frequent. make the water spill over the counter and onto the flood. keep showering. let the water accumulate to the ceiling, eventually bursting the glass windows and spilling out everywhere. watering the grass, saturating the scorching earth, evaporating once more into the air. recycled water, recycled feelings. come spill the water onto the floor and as it rises above our heads, come drown in it with me. eyes wide open.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

endless masturbation to cure excruciating stress.

short term relief from a semi-long term feeling

Saturday, April 28, 2012

one and only
one and lonely

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


my white flags are going up everywhere.

I have no idea idea who I am without this mess of tangled webs.
If I knew where
I was going next
I wouldn't be spending so much time
taking so many naps
or reading all of these books
trying to define my future
in white cotton pillowcases
and cracked book bindings.

Lost in the decisions of each day,
becoming only slightly numb.

I am the inevitable
The girl that always says
but never knows how to

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

no coherency

what's the point of writing when the feelings never change?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

why won't I ever
ever ever ever
let myself just

if acceptance of weakness is actually strength, maybe I shouldn't feel so bad.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

random things.

seeping into my blood stream,
companions join me that turn solidified feelings into liquid that runs out of my skin and down my leg.

take it away take it away I don't want this feeling. loneliness tells you nothing that you don't already know. it shows you nothing you haven't already seen. it only makes you feel worse than you previously have felt. and the worst kind of loneliness is when you don't even really want to be looking for something, but the loneliness creeps up on you, inviting itself into your house, and manipulating you into believing you want to pursue something. convincing you that once your loneliness is cured, your feet will be properly planted on the ground again. loneliness is a facade, a mask. Loneliness is futile. I understand that at this moment I want to touch. I understand that I am longing so desperately for the smell of someone elses flesh to mesh with mine. but what exactly does this mean? It doesn't really mean anything besides that I am alive and that I am human. But it's like, you can go away now, loneliness. I get it. Believe me, I hear you knocking on my door but I really do not feel like answering. Go away, I want to enjoy this without your interruptions. (whatever "this" is).

(^): the thing is that people get into relationships for the wrong reasons. Instead of wanting a relationship for the right reasons- sharing experiences, learning from someone, teaching someone other things, confiding in someone, having someone to share things with, etc- people get into relationships, or at the very least want a relationships so badly, because they believe that a relationship is going to cure them. as if they have some type of I-lack-companionship-disease and need a cure for their sickness. The other thing is that this wouldn't be such a problem if it the two were easier to distinguish between. It is hard to tell if you want a relationship with someone because you really like them, or because you really want to be loved. Obviously the two can be intertwined, but I think in premature adulthood a lot of people don't understand that.

maybe. I could be wrong.
I am probably wrong.

Regardless, the Dali Lama says that if one is compassionate then they shall never be lonely. I don't really know how much I agree with it but maybe it's true. I mean compassion is the ability to empathize with essentially every single other person around you. Meaning the world. If you are lonely, and change your loneliness to compassion, you realize you aren't really alone and shouldn't be lonely because there is love all over, affection everywhere. You just need to find the suitable medium for you. I guess in reality, loneliness can be cured with any number of things, instead of just the warm embrace of another human. But, that is what is most commonly longed for.

I could be wrong though.
I am probably wrong.

One day the world that has been closed off towards me will open its doors again. But I can't allow those doors to open, or maybe just to allow myself to walk through them, until I have a clear foundation. Walking into a relationship so tangled and knotted is succumbing to the trickery of loneliness. A relationship only thrives when two people are secure with themselves and have trust in themselves and each other. Too many insecurities bury you and eat at you. There can't be too many maggots flying around or else one of the people will grow uncomfortable. Both people need to be basically solidified in order to thrive. Obviously tons of growth can happen and will happen in a healthy relationship, but I don't think it's right for a person to go into a relationship being an insecure mess. Feeling as if they have no solid foundation. That is just opening yourself up to make someone else your foundation and that does nothing for your case. A person needs to learn how to walk carefully and stably on their own two feet without the help of someone else.

There are no clutches in life, there are only excuses.

When the mind is ready the heart will follow. (?????)

Monday, April 16, 2012

I speak of things I don't believe but want to believe.

I am a parasite to my own life and my own well being.

I am afraid of everything around me, and have never be able to speak a word when I really have wanted to. Like the time I went on stage in 4th grade and had this inner feeling deep down that I could act, but never, to this day, have ever gained the guts to grow the strength to knock the walls down.

I allow fear to be my safety blanket. meant to save me, protect me, it is suffocating me, and laughing as I fall for its games repeatedly over and over.

what once felt trusting has turned bitter and cold. it has turned its back on me, knowing it is better than me. and I could kill it if I knew the correct means. It is living off of my own negativity. I keep the monster alive because I do not realize that it is all

in my control.

I don't understand how you can just stop thinking about something that you want so badly and that is the basis of your thinking in order for you to achieve what you want. when you stop wanting it, it comes right? but how do you just shut your brain off? it doesn't work like that.

I am too pale and tired of my sentences starting with I. I want to start them with We. I like that so much better. I want to share things. but my fear makes it hard.

if the submission to weakness is really strength, then maybe I shouldn't feel so bad.

Maybe I shouldn't feel so bad.
nostalgia is a disease. the best of times are not in the past. there is no past. there is no future there is no present. time is nonexistent on a relative plane.
"driving in your car, miss the stop sign fall in love."

-Thursday, Standing on the Edge of Summer.
i'm getting lonely again

Sunday, April 8, 2012

and when the day comes in which we amputate our own limbs and are unable to walk,
we shall realize the harmful price we pay for such a banal existence.
I have the most self destructive thoughts and it really is a problem
I need this to stop. I don't know how to make this stop. I try and try and I keep running in circles

Saturday, April 7, 2012

you need to love yourself before you are free to do or feel

Friday, April 6, 2012

I don't know what is holding me back from getting close to people

I don't want to be locked anymore. where is my key?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

if you never force yourself to escape from the inner barriers hindering you from oppurtunity, you have no room to complain.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

every. thing. is. culturally. constructed.
nothing. has. any. meaning. (solidified)
we. don't. know. the. truth.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

part of me wants to disappear for awhile, seclude myself, and return to the world with a new outlook, solidified goals, and an increased sense of self.

part of me wants to stop going to college and just make a lot of money until I figure out what I really want to do.

part of me feels like I am letting the invisible structure of this society run my life; letting life make me instead of me making my life.

part of me feels weak and useless because I constinuously and consistantly hide from human interaction for fear of rejection. or... I think that is why atleast.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

attracted to you and I don't know why.

attracted as in; getting excited when you walk in a room.

it is quite odd that a person only partially controls who they are attracted towards.

ahh, weird.
I want to climb a tree and spend the whole day in it until the sun goes does and I finish a book.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A brief overview of what I got from reading Into the Wild.

continuous thoughts of existentialism: have been feeling unsettled and uncomfortable with the way I am living my life. on the day I finished the book I received a rejection letter from Pitt. It just reiterated the feeling. I've been thinking about what the meaning of life really is and what steps I need ot take in order to get what I want while also acknowledging the fact that the world is completely open, even outside of the borders of conformity and security almost all of us are living within. We are born and raised to grow in an almost mechanized way, forgetting that not too long ago our ancestors had none of the industrialization and innovation we have today. at the root we are foragers. it is important to realize truth Vs. culturally born ideas.
and to top it off with quite possibly the most relevant quote of right now;

"existential carousel, spin!"
The Grey is one of the best movies. I want to watch it over and over

one of the best quotes i've ever read.

"So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more dangerous to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun."

— Chris McCandless

Monday, March 26, 2012

and to think that money is just another one of those man made concepts that fucks with your psych so much.... it's just so hard to conceptualize. what would we be without that? it's impossible to reverse ourselves back to the foragers we used to be. that in itself is just something that is hard to visualize. we are so industrialized, so mechanized and money-hungry that we forget how precious our lives are. we forget that there were once people living on this earth without the concept of money. people living without the concept of time except for the vague idea that sunlight is good for hunting and nighttime is good for sleeping. we are losing our roots as a race and allowing ourselves to become blinded my mere conceptual ideas of things that aren't even real!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

I don't know where this hollow pit of emptiness is coming from but I really do not like it

Friday, March 23, 2012

at the end of the day, what is going to save us from common unhappiness, is a little bit of compassion.

The Hunger Games

I read the Hunger Games.

I thought it was pretty good. Very well written. I think what I liked most about it was the honesty of the characters, especially Katniss. She wasn't afraid to ask herself vital questions and admit when she was confused about her feelings. I also liked the book just because I liked the main character so much. She was feeble with her rations and very smart when it came to people and the motives behind their actions.

As far as story plot goes, the writer was very smart. It was very evenly paced throughout the whole book. She placed climaxes where they belonged and kept the readers attention at all points. There was never a dull moment. She also included that element of love which I think is so crucial in almost any book. It takes a back burner in this book, though, because Katniss's first and most important thoughts and feelings are about the will to survive.

Finally, I thought the plot was well constructed. There are a lot of underlying themes about how comptemporary mass media works and how it is focused, the abuse of power, and how totalitarian government regime and unequal distribution of wealth plays in. For a large part of the book I actually felt as if she was taking many subtle stabs at capitalism.

I liked the book but I wouldn't say it is next to appear on my top 5. It was engage but not a book I could never put down. I am in no way obsessed with it, I kind of just gave in to the conformity and read it. I never read Twilight or Harry Potter so I figured I should at least try one of these books that has a huge fan base. Maybe I over-hyped myself because so many people love it. I'm not sure. I mean it was a good book and there are a lot of good things to say about it, but i've read some better, more enticing and emotion-provoking books. Maybe the 2nd and 3rd will be a bit different.


I saw the Hunger Games movie.

Overall I thought the movie was okay. It was almost as good as the book but not as good because movies never are.

I thought the movie conveyed the book nicely but I ended up kind of hating that in the end it had to be pg 13. By having it be pg 13, so much of the physicality of the fighting scenes was brief, not well filmed, and did not fully convey what was said in the book.

While reading the book I really did get a sense that Katniss was suffering, hurting, and on the brink of serious dehydration and starvation. In the movie, it seemed like she wasn't even having to fight that hard. It seemed that everything came to her too easily and (unfortunately) at all the right times. I didn't like this about the movie. I noticed this about the book, too, but I think the book emphasized her struggles way more than the movie did. To put it lightly it seemed that the movie was a mere obstacle course or similar type of color war game instead of a fight-to-death competition. The main characters struggle was not prominent enough for it to really FULLY capture the viewer.

Although the movie wasn't terrible, I really do not regard it as something amazing. The plot is simple. After awhile I got bored of the plot. We got the point, people are going to die, and we knew how. I kept wishing for something to excite me but it never happened. Also, I sort of felt like the characters were trying a little bit too hard. Although they are good actors, throughout the whole movie I felt like they were being a bit too forceful to fit into their roles in the movie. It just didn't seem like true authentic acting.

I'd give the movie a 6.5 out of 10. The book received a 7-8 in my eyes. like I said about the book review, maybe the other books/movies will be better.
would it be bad if I got drunk alone? I think i'd be able to write a lot better....
what's more important, humor/comedic effect/goofiness or the ability to know someone well/have good conversation?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

This is one big contradiction, unfinished. (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE)

In my quest for positivity, happiness, and utter disdain for pessimism, I have somehow allowed my brain to not over think or over analyze my surroundings or feelings. in an effort to keep at this mindset, because it seemed to be helping me with my upward sloping mindset, I have slightly lost the ability to express proper thoughts with the correct words.

I am unable to form sentences that do not come from utter truth. I simply cannot just sit here, typing away at a computer screen, believing that what I saw is the truth. Ultimately, what I say could really mean nothing. These words are just pixels on a computer screen of electrons buzzing around somehow. But more than that words need to become actions, and those actions need to come from the feelings that emanate and bounce off the sheer surface of the human being speaking.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

intoxicated with the madness, i'm in love with my sadness

Thursday, March 15, 2012

cognitive dissonance defines me.
I want to travel somewhere with a close friend who will always be there no matter what I do and dye my hair and act like a completely different person because nobody knows me. I want to learn french so I can do this

Monday, March 12, 2012

all episodes of sex in the city, boy meets world, hey arnold, and mad men.
finish all these boooooks

Sunday, March 11, 2012

this whole blog is just a place to spill negative energy out into and makes me seem so unhappy, depressing, no fun to be around at all.
I don't really think that is the case.
This is out of context
why is it that we as humans are always searching for someone to complete us? why aren't we able to feel whole or complete alone?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

oh my god I love Tool so much I can't get enough oh my god

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I just have this feeling that a female would be able to turn my skin red and make me dive with her to the depths of the water. the problem is.... I don't know where to find her.

Friday, March 2, 2012

I live for nothing.
I am nothing.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

and i'm not sure if I even know how to be happy or will ever get there. and I feel like by saying that it is just making me never get there.

I really make myself so sad.

I hate you
i'm feeling depressed again.
I want to live on my own so I can fill my space with books and reproductions of famous paintings and tapestries.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

why does the thought of
love just fucking
sicken me
right now?
I don't know anything. I don't know a thing.

Knowledge is power. feet facing inward.
what is this...?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

so far things have been smooth sailing, unless I allow my head to unravel incessantly. money comes at the right time and small signs of comfort form and solidify the cracks in the pavement. a few small cracks are necessarily though. nobody wants to even touch anything that is factory new. things happen as they are meant to and if you let them, with ease.
don't pay the crime if you can't do the time.
what I can't control at this moment need not be a huge weight.
decisions to be made soon. colors forming in the distance
vague appearances turn to final countdowns of time up on the rooftops.
things happen as they are meant to
and if you let them,
with ease.

Monday, February 13, 2012

idk. my want to be intimate with a woman is coming back again. the want to just experience it. yeah. idk.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

everytime I eat a grapefruit it's like i'm eating a vagina. I mean, I imagine it that way for some WEIRD reason. oh...

Monday, February 6, 2012

a haiku has the
amount of days there are in
a full week of time


Sunday, February 5, 2012

I dont really do anything I tell myself I would and that's a huge problem for me.
I need to get up and get going.
once more into the fray
into the last good fight i'll ever know
live and die on this day,
live and die on this day.
breakyourfuckingbones --> nocturnal static

true progression from black to white
pheromones are a funny thing
it makes me happy that we are all humans and at the end of a sad/touching movie, nobody knows what to say, and so nobody says anything. the silence is comforting.
why is everyone so afraid of being alone? it's not that bad.
we're all alone in this together. we are all doing the same exact thing, running in circles and down roads to get to the houses we want to stay at. we all want the same things, just in different variations, but for similiar reasons. we all have hearts that pump blood through our veins which are housed by muscles supported by bones covered in skin. we are not even different, really. unless you count the differences.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"Why doesn't anyone I know sleep? Are they all just scared of their dreams? When they lay down their heads at night what are they haunted by? Why won't anyone just close their eyes? Could it hurt them to rest for awhile? Do they need their friends to be a lover? Or a lover to be a friend?"
I think I am just afraid to admit it
I often wonder what I am doing here, what I am doing there, what I am doing anywhere. I spin in circles and blend into the floor boards. I bury myself in the sand only to realize I am just a tiny grain. But if I change my shape maybe someone could find me.
I don't know what to believe anymore. but the even more annoying aspect to this all, is that I never really did.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

one does not have to be logical all of the time. these walls are merely rubber bands.
everyone turns off sad songs. but don't they get it? the sadness feels so good.
someone I can sink into, who sinks into me, while we sink into the cotton below us. something that will consume me, cover me gently with its warmth and mother me like i'm its first child. depths of every kind, wanting more than to merely surface dive.

visions are foggy under water until goggles are aquired.
I feel like I am constantly thirsty for something that I will never get a sip of. I am in constant search of something that will fill me up and I have no idea what direction to even turn in to find it. Like I am lost in a corn maze with no way out. More so, like I am a little kid lost in a super market on the deli side and my mom is all the way on the other side looking at prices of milk. I don't know which way to turn to find her. I don't know which way to turn to find me. I am running with arms wide open, only to find myself having to befriend and love the air because it's the only presence that's ever constant and available. The air is simple and never boastful but the air is hollow and I need something solid. I need something that will harden me. but not too much.
I want to cut your heart open and spill your blood on my white clothes. I want to rip your heart out and pump it with my blood so that you can finally feel something. don't you want to feel something? I want to put your heart back into its correct spot and zip you back up and watch you walk away with a smile on your face, only to turn around and tell me you forgot your shoes, and later your shoelaces. As if you were so occupied with other masses that you had forgotten even which way you were going, or that the right pair of shoes would finally get you there.
everyone on tumblr just thinks theyre so different and unique and deeeeeeep. youre fucking ordinary like everyone elese!
dont make me sad
dont make me cry
sometimes life is not enough
and the road gets tough
I don't know why

Sunday, January 29, 2012

My problem is you make me melt and I don't want to be frozen anymore

Thursday, January 26, 2012

having an off week.
feeling like nothing is going anywhere. feeling stagnant. feeling like my skin is see through and my veins are twisting and contorting around each other, getting purple, cutting off my oxygen. I am always in the same spot and can't seem to get out. my feet are stuck in mud, just a couple of feet away from where I was stuck before. nothing is happening. nothing is on, and everything is off. I am tired of feeling this way but I am the most scared I have ever been for anything in my entire life and all I have to do is make a decision. I am confused, lost, sad, excited, nervous, defeated. You aren't going anywhere and we aren't going anywhere and my feet are stuck and my eyes are all over the place and my head is tipping over and my water is spilling or lacking I Can't even decide which one it is. womp. I want to escape escape escape or be filled with rainbows or warmth or something that will make me feel any way but this way. any way but this way

Thursday, January 19, 2012

the thing about writing is that it's never good enough. the words on the screen or on the paper are never the proper or completely correct semi-tangible form of an emotion. the writer continuously wants more from their words. the writer screams and fights with the words but they do not change. to be a writer one must be open and senseless and completely cage-less. comparisons cannot be made and expectations cannot be given. to be a writer the concept of nothing must take shape as the comfortable concept of everything. if this does not happen, no writing will occur. smile lines will fade and insecurities will grow sharp teeth. the rest is history after that.
my skin screams for the attention of yours. its particles running wildly in place, aching to detach themselves from the woven silk strings created by a heart within. his feet are visible, palms towards the sky. strong and cracked, exposing the days hard work. the bird inside my chest wants to flutter out of my throat and into yours. the bird wants to share its seeds in both of us.
half liquid solids become icicles on the inside of my fingertips. I have fallen out of the earth and ended up in invisible matter. I am invisible matter. the sadness fills me and covers me, as if it's the water surrounding me as I stand at the bottom of a 6 foot deep pool. they say this is not supposed to feel good and this is not supposed to work but the sadness comforts me and I welcome it more than any other visitor. My bone marrow is a mix of my own liquids and the grayness of those eyes. I fell open, sitting under its words that scratch my skin in all of its itchy places. A sigh of relief if exhaled from parted lips. I fell under.
my insides are a mix of black and white words painted on black or white backgrounds. the context matters and the sun always manages to peek through the cracks in the pavement. my insides swirl in negative and positive ways, combining together to form gray matter that is heavy and weighs me down. my heart is red and beating lively, there is contradiction here. eyes droop but absorb the sunlight. limbs are stretched but never used.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

what I immediately want to feel with no logical thought process or analysis is

I can't write
I can't concentrate
I can't decide what to do with my life
I can't love
I can't open myself up to find love
I can't keep love
I can't believe in myself
I can't keep saying I can't
why do I feel like you won't let me care about you? I want to care about someone. I Want to care about you. I don't want to focus on me anymore. I miss leaving notes underneath someones pillow. I miss smiling for no reason other than the energy shared between me and the other person is so comfortable, warm, and natural, that all I want to do is smile and smile and smile. I want to feel small and large again all the same time. most of all I want to feel red, like an apple, the apple of your eye. of someones eyes. (you is slightly less bottomless and meaningless but it is still there. ideas>the actual, right now. you get me?) I don't want this to fizzle away and float like wood on water to a far away place that we'll never see again. we haven't even ignited anything and the flame is dying before it's lit. it was never meant to be lit at all. if I say something drastic, will it scare you? do you care enough for it to scare you?

Monday, January 16, 2012

I really feel lost and have no clue how I am supposed to be found. If I knew the thing to do I would do that thing I need to do but I don't know what thing I do need to do so I haven't been doing that thing. uh.
I feel like we are magnets. We relate because we are metal and we are solid but our negative ends are facing each other and we are repelling, pulling farther away, is that is even possible. we are going nowhere, forcing the electrons outside. never forcing the electrons inside their comfort zone where they want to be. it feels so good to be so opposite. will it ever be that way? what will be that final push needed to turn the one magnet around? something's gotta give or I shall walk. my shoes are new. my shoes are fresh. my shoes have tred. I am fucking alive, god damnit. I don't need to be bored and unstimulated.
how can someone be in search of something without knowing what they are searching for?
I am
I need
In more ways
than one
I want
to feel something
I want
our souls to dissapear into thin air and
our bodies to mesh and
I gotta get
a move on.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

is there a such thing as a really good but
this book I am reading makes me want to do bad things to people that I care about but that don't care about me just to show I have a power.


that is the stupidest thing I have ever said in my life.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

my insides long for something. for meaning, I guess. for purpose. I long for passion and goals. I feel invisible, lost, useless.

I want to find my road. I am walking in circles.

Suddenly I feel sad again.

Friday, January 13, 2012

revive me
the thing is that nothing is fucking concise and there is no theme anywhere involved.
I hate everything I write. I hate it I hate it I hate it.


she tried to explain to me that she wanted to go home but her home was far away from where we were. her home was burnt down and the doors and all the windows were paneled shut with wooden boards. her home was no longer there. she had no home.

we were just driving around in my old truck. our search for a party was unsuccessful and the ice cream parlors had closed hours before so we decided to just drive. I don't know where we were driving to or why we even had to drive but I guess in a way that was somehow relevant to the way our lives were unraveling. I wasn't the happiest person in the world but I was happy when I was with her, and that's all that really mattered in my eyes. She just wanted to go home.

We drove through familiar neighborhoods. We drove past the park we had both been to dozens of times during elementary school. We drove past the train stations. We drove past the familiar houses of old friends that we had lost touch with. We drove past the familiar lights of the stores and their signs. We drove until we no longer knew where we were. We stopped in some abandoned parking lot that superseded a long patch of grass. The air smelled different and the sky was clear. The stars were out.

I started to imagine where the people I loved were at what they were doing at this current moment. My mother sleeping on the couch, the couches half covering her and half falling off. My father upstairs in a fog of sleepy consciousness. My brother, slowly losing his head more and more to the wrath her created for himself. Withering away in a jail cell until we couldn't wither away anymore.

I kind of felt bad for everyone. They were so stuck in their ways, so caged by their circumstances. Nobody was comfortable and everything was full of shit. There was no home for me. But I was still young and free, ready to see the world and stretch my limbs. I didn't want to be like them. I didn't want to feel my insides deteriorate as my mind yelled at me to keep going. I wanted unison, harmony. I wanted to be grounded and centered.

Together, with our hands interlocked and our eyes and feet set forward, her and I would run the world together. We had a dream and we wanted it to become a reality, her and I. I wanted her and I wanted all of her and I hoped to god she felt the same way. I hoped she felt the same.

I turned over on my side in order to allow myself to look into her eyes. For a brief second she looked like she wanted to cry, but as our eyes met and the centers of our pupils locked into place, she smiled a gentle smile and it looked as if she had become overwhelmed with inner peace. "What is it?" I asked. "What is it?"

She nuzzled her head against my shoulder, kissing my ears and holding me close. "I need you. I want you. I love you. You are my home. I need you."

I don't know why she decided to say it then. I don't know how or why but at that moment it was as if I was lifted off of the earth and floating on a dense cloud with her and only her. It was like being a world in which you can only see the people you love. She was the one I loved. We only had each other. I didn't need to know anything else. I didn't need to want anything or need anything else and for a couple seconds I could have sworn I felt out hearts beating in unison. I felt our blood pumping at the same rate. It was unlike anything I had ever felt before.

She wanted to go home and I wanted to go home and together, we were our home.
1 picture a day for atleast a year.

writing prompts of the day.


I wish I could change the URL. I hate it.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

who am I? You should tell me because I have no idea.

to exist as a person, doesn't one need opinions? I have none of those.
what happens when you read a book and when you're done you realize you didn't understand any of it and didn't learn/change a thing? then what do you do? how do you learn to understand it? do you put it down and wait years to pick it up again? I want to know.
I sort of have this desire to hermit myself and just read and read and read until the books transition from the upstairs book shelf to the basement book shelf. Then I can get more. I really like to live vicariously. Hmm. Just thought of that.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Brief Conversation

"What's good?"
"Nothing just got a shower. In bed. That's it"
"Early for you"
"Yeah I had a long day. And not a very good one either"
"Yeah you were tellin' me this morning."
"It got worse lol, but whatever."
"Damn but guess what?"
"You broke your all time amount of days living."
I screwed it all up. I messed everything up for the sake of nothing.
hate one thing, hate all things, hate yourself

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I don't know what i'm doing. I don't know what i'm doing here. I don't know where I am going. I don't know anything.
things pile and pile and pile and I begin to feel crushed and crumbled by the pressure.
Where am I going? Where am I?
right now I am finding myself wanting to really back out of this. where is this going? what are we doing? why am I even here? this isn't exciting me. it's not drawing me, there is no deep blue here (yet). am I being impatient? I told you, I keep telling you, I have no idea how to do this and it freaks me out. I feel as if I am putting so much energy into it and getting almost nothing in return. is it because you are just a guy? is it because you are afraid? is it because you have been hurt before and you're scared to let your walls down? I'm scared too but I acknowledge it and feel it and know it's worth it for me to do so. I can't grow at all if I don't expose myself. plastic skin does nothing. it makes me sad when people don't understand that, or are too scared to admit it to themselves. but I want this to go somewhere. I want this to explain into a million colorful little pieces that can easily be put back together and formed into something beautiful. I think the one thing that gets to me so much is the fact that I have no idea how to feel about this situation. I don't like you but I want to get to know you. It makes me smile when I know I am going to see you but I have no idea how you feel about this whole thing or what this whole thing even is or even if there is a whole thing. I don't want to overthink it but I know that's what I am doing. I just don't even know. I don't know what you feel and I don't even know what I feel. I don't like the uncertainty and i kind of feel weird saying something because it's so early still. I don't know what to do. I always say slow and steady wins the race, and of course it does, but how long is too slow is too slow? I wish someone had the answers. I wish this would explode or make me feel something. Do I expect too much? This makes me feel lost. This stuff freaks me out.
let this be known as the date I joined a dating site for the first time

Saturday, January 7, 2012

let us dream

Friday, January 6, 2012

I talk of love as if it's everything or nothing or maybe even going to save me but it's not going to do that. it's not going to do that. Love is not the center, I don't think.

I don't think.
once I fall in love I will have successfully spilled my water onto the ground again, and the cycle will repeat. one must be ready to submerge themselves.
I wandered what love was. I wandered if love was in the birds that chirped on the first day of spring. I wandered if love was in the way a play grew when it was watered. I wondered if love was in the silhouette of a young girl. but with experience I had learned that love wasn't any of these things. Love wasn't detachment. It wasn't anger. It wasn't boastfulness. Love was comfort in its ultimate form. Love was when you ache for someone to be closer to you, knowing they can't get any closer. Love was when you long to rip yourself open from head to toe, yearning to house the person you love inside of you while they simultaneously do the same, housing you inside of them. Love was wanting to dive deeper into the bottoms, enter all the dwellings, but all the while knowing you've reached all there ever will be.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

there is so much to do! so much life to seize and walk on!

I want all of it.
"I like you when, when you take off your face, put away all your teeth, and take us way underneath."

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

seems like everyone's got so much to say about the one that stays quiet.
time is the essence of all creation and slowly I can feel the deep blue seep back into my veins. slowly though. and I really do mean slowly.
his lips on her lips and her lips on his lips and their lips everywhere.
I mean, really what this is though is the fact that I saw pain in your smile and I felt inclined to want to suck it out of you. That's what I want to do to people. Turn into a vacuum and suck out their darkness. If one is incomplete or broken, I will love them.
a slightly awkward realization that my entire brain and thought patterns are posted in a combination and effortless swirl between blogspot, twitter, and tumblr. 20% tumblr, 30% twitter, 50% blogspot.
what is the ultimate difference between a boy and a man?
Wednesday's canvas is painted yellow and becoming stained with a boy's finger prints. the little boy is screaming for a way out of his cage, hoping, finally, that someone will hear him. his insides are turning, silently, and in such a familiar rhythm that he does not even notice. the heartbeat is so loud, the walls vibrate around him. all he can do is let out a slanted, overly revealing smile.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

the scent stays but the heart does not yearn
I really just want to meet someone who is verbal, has a sly but clever way with word construction, and facial hair. where are youuuuuu?
some people have weird ass ways of showing girls they like them. hmm.

Monday, January 2, 2012

I feel close to nothing. I feel blank. Nothing, blank. It is weird. Yeah, that's it, it's weird. Feeling nothing and feeling's normal. And feeling normal is weird.
when I really think about it, it freaks me out. I'm not sure I really know how to give myself. It takes me such a long time to feel anything. do I over think that, too? maybe. The solution is just to stop thinking about it and let it happen. I guess i'm in the clear now but it still freaks me out. I find myself sort of wanting to turn and run away from it before it gets to be anything too deeply rooted. It is weird how past hurt can affect you in subconscious and subtle ways. That obviously is what this feeling of wanting to resist is. I definitely won't resist though, just take it slow. I really want to feel those butterflies again. My chest is not a cage and I am not a rat. I definitely can't over think this or I will destroy it entirely. Isn't it crazy that I have the capability of building a whole city in my head with the material made for just a couple houses? Something so small is diluted to create a liquid that spreads through three times its original capacity. There is beauty is such destruction, but even more throughout the avoidance of it.

slow and steady wins the race, so i'm just gonna buckle my seatbelt, sit back, and enjoy the ride.