Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I feel like I am constantly thirsty for something that I will never get a sip of. I am in constant search of something that will fill me up and I have no idea what direction to even turn in to find it. Like I am lost in a corn maze with no way out. More so, like I am a little kid lost in a super market on the deli side and my mom is all the way on the other side looking at prices of milk. I don't know which way to turn to find her. I don't know which way to turn to find me. I am running with arms wide open, only to find myself having to befriend and love the air because it's the only presence that's ever constant and available. The air is simple and never boastful but the air is hollow and I need something solid. I need something that will harden me. but not too much.

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