Tuesday, March 16, 2010


time collapses withinwithoutaround you. it fades away. nothing seems to matter. nothing is significant. nothing stimulates. eyes droop to the floor, staring so long they burn deep holes in the dry soil. what is this place? a nest of comfortably woven webs that at first glace would seem like theyd feel uncomfortable, but really just steal your gaze from the light and love to see you trip and shrivel. no matter how slightly. terrible inbalances of distribution pulse through the creation of everything known and as distribution turns to stone, everything blurs again, like it always seemed to do. umbrellas don't catch the rain fall, snow boots do nothing but compress. but that's not what is ultimately wanted. this is just a test. plates spin through space. what one thinks he knows turns into an educated guess based on knowledge that has been forgotten. if that makes it just a guess, then that's the way it goes. and oh, it goes how it goes. clocks tock and tick and water drips from the phone lines. people blend. in a vague sense where only specks and molecules of certain colors can make their way through the filters. so many filters. so many insignificant filters. don't ask why, just go. gogogogogogogo. this is no different.

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