Monday, April 26, 2010

are you seriously in a relationship? did you seirously not tell me? did i seriously just attempt, and succeed, to spill my heart out to someone WHO IS IN A FUCKING RELATIONSHIP!? wow. i'm dumb. but you're even dumber. both of you. you're so, so stupid. you have no sense. no sense of love or companionship or what the fuck you're doing. i hope you regret it. i hope you realize how good you had it. i hope she annoys the fuck out of you. i hope you think of me every time she comes into our home. you lied. everyone always lies. do people feel bad for me? am i not good enough to be told the truth?

am i
not good enough?

i can't believe you. i can't believe that this would happen. nothing ever ends on a good note. nothing ever gives or justifies the means. everybody just decives you and doesn't even give a fuck. fuck you. and fuck her. and fuck you guys together.

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