Thursday, April 7, 2011

what am I learning?:

weed is good in moderation. too much weed clouds my head. not enough weed makes me crave waves. a perfect balance sends me into comfortable submersion while still being able to stand on the floor boards of reality.

personal motivation is one of the most important things. i mean, without it how would you get anywhere?

smile.I really don't do that enough and there's really no reason for it. smiling makes everything brighter.

focus on something other than yourself and your problems. putting energy into an external environment can reap higher rewards than one may think.

new music = new feelings = new mindsets = new experiences = higher feelings of fufillment from life.

you can give yourself everything you want. just because you want the comfort doesn't mean you have to stay. just because you want someone to wrap arms with doesn't mean you need to settle. if you want to feel whole, that doesn't mean you need to rely on somebody else to give it to you. in fact, you should NEVER rely on someone for that because nobody is going to be able to truly make you whole except for yourself. and you shouldn't except real, genuine, and true accordance until you accomplish that within yourself.

technology is just a shield, a destroyer, a pair of glasses one can't see out of. online interactions mean nothing. facebook chatting everyday for 3 years only creates minimal footing.

you need to give a little (or a lot) to get a little (or a lot). if you exert little to no amounts of energy you can't really expect to receive energy in return to absorb. it's the same way with a relationship/friendship. if you don't open up to other person, why should/would they do the same to you?

i should probably start taking more initiative in my life. i'm kind of just letting it pass without really, fully, adequately trying to change it.

one of the best ways to grow is to put yourself outside of your comfort zone as much as possible. when you're afraid or uncomfortable it's because you most likely feel vulnerable. being vulnerable might not be the best feeling in the world, but when you conquer that vulnerability and get to a position of comfort, you'll find that you've benefited so much more than you would have if you never pushed yourself there in the first place.

if you don't like something, change it. (nothing is permament) you have the complete and total power to change your mindset, feelings, clothes, friends, decisions, actions. you have the power to change your reality if you don't like it.

always face your demons. never run and hide. seclusion will give you no progression. resist the want to fade away and, in turn, head towards the sunlight.

trust yourself/your instincts. if you feel something strongly, there is always a good reason for it. do not try to bypass this feeling or deem is as wrong. trust this feeling. it will benefit you in the end.

love yourself. you are unique, special, and one of a kind. you are your own person. there is nobody else in the entire world, nor will there ever be, another you. embrace this person. feed this person good thoughts, healthy food, meaningful experiences, and loyal people. you only have one chance.

take initiative. be motivated. don't just sit there and watch your life pass you by. do not just sit there and smoke blunt after blunt, cigarette after cigarette while others create something of their life. join clubs. make new friends. try a sport. pay attention in school. take the SATs. aim for something higher than community college and a minimum wage job until you're 25. if you have infinite possibilities, why not try to be the best you can be?

be at ease with the way things are. nothing is ever as bad as it seems. everything is double sided. look to the positivity.

take a deep breathe. there is no reason to stress. nobody is rushing you. take your time. it's okay now, will be okay later, and was always okay in the past. you've got this.

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