Tuesday, August 31, 2010

this is my help

when you were a young child, you were pure love. you were happy, alive and free. just look at little children. this love, freedom, and aliveness is the essence of who you are. this is your natural state. this is the way you started. unfortunately, you were born into a world that suppresses this state. instead of being born into a world that is loving and supportive, you were born into a world that is critical and harsh. sooner or later, you got hurt. you experienced invalidation, rejection, and painful losses of love. you experienced this hurt from your parents, your friends, and the world around you.

no circumstance has the power to cause an upset. circumstances can only reactivate suppressed hurt that is already there.

every one of us has a very specific hurt that runs our life. the avoidance of this hurt is what sabotages our lives. to be free inside and to be effective in life, you need to discover what your hurt is and be free of it. basically, the cause of your hurt is some issue you have with yourself. you bought the notion that in some specific way, you were not okay. fighting this notion is what creates your hurt. once you take away the fighting, the notion disappears and so does the hurt.

happiness can never come from anything outside of yourself. happiness can only come from within.

mastery of life begins when you discover the mechanisms that sabotage you. as you dismantle these mechanisms, you become able to experience life in a way that is supportive. you become free inside and able to live in the experience of love.

if you look, any area of your life that works great will be an area where you are full of acceptance and appreciation. to create the experience of love and to have life work for you instead of against you, you need to be accepting.

letting go is the inner action that releases fear and upset. you don't have to like your situation, just give it permission to be the way it is and the way it may become. let go of your demands and expectations for how you believe life should be and make peace with the way your life is. set yourself free inside. then take whatever action is necessary to handle your situation.

life is only threatening when you resist. the more you are able to let go and flow with life, the more life takes care of itself.

when you believe that part of who you are shouldn't be there, you set yourself up for some serious suffering. you put yourself under tremendous pressure to become a certain way, but no matter what you do, you can never get there. you can never get there because you are trying to get to doesn't exist. pay special attention to any aspect you deny having. you wouldn't need to deny an aspect unless you had an issue with it.

the aspects of yourself that you resist do not exist in the physical universe but they do exist in your universe. notice how real they are to you. notice that these aspects have never caused you any trouble. they are only thoughts. all the trouble has been caused by the things you've done to avoid feeling this way.

to set yourself free you need to face your hurt. this may be uncomfortable but this way be one of the most important things you can do in your entire life.

fears are very similar to upsets and aspects of yourself you resist. the main difference is that in fear, you are avoiding a future event. in an upset, you are avoiding a past or present event. both fear and upsets are created by avoiding the hurt of some issue.

the standards by which you judge will reveal your issues. any characteristic you can't stand in another person is an aspect of you that you are not at peace with. WE ARE ALL THE SAME.

by discovering what you are driven towards, you can discover what you are driven from. one way to do this is to discover what you need for your happiness.

seperate yourself from circumstances. notice that what's going on in your life is not the cause of what's going on inside of you.

go through life looking for aspects that you are not at peace with. then make peace with them. if you ever find an aspect, look for your fear. what do you fear will happen if you let in that you are that way? until you make peace with every aspect of you, you will never make peace with life. this is because life will forever reactivate the aspects of you that you are not at peace with.

another way we sabotage ourselves is through resentment. when you have a resentment, a major part of you closes down. you lose your aliveness and your peace of mind. you become bitter and less able to express your love. you also make your life more difficult.

allow yourself to be human. you are both good and bad, worthy and worthless, lovable and unlovable. you are every aspect that exists. you are also a precious human being. as you own both your negative and positive aspects you become very confident and at peace with yourself. you also become very human. as you own the aspects you've been resisting, beauty comes forth. you become humble. your ego disappears and your walls of protection come down. you flow with life and you create love everywhere you go.

life is so much easier when you know it's okay to be human.

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