Thursday, August 27, 2009

odd. i keep thinking lately about how there are so many kids of yourself and how hard it is know ever single side well.

i feel as if there are many different parts to me. it's why i can relate to so many different kinds of people so easily.
i like to read.
i like smart, intelegent people who know how to have a good conversation.
i like people who are people smart.
i like it when someone knows themselves.
i like it when you understand where the line is drawn.
and i like it when you know what side you're on.
i like to smoke weed.
i really like to smoke weed.
at concerts i want to go insane
jump up and down forever
sing at the top of my lungs
get lost in the music.
i need to do that.

i don't know how to feel.
i'm always going to feel numb to this.
it's so routine and i'm so over it.
doesnt even phaseeee me, ha.
i knew it was coming.

we only come out at night.
smashing pumpkins.

i haven't been in a mood like this is so long. i miss it, almost. things become so routine, sometimes.

i lied.

moods can change so quickly sometimes. fuck.
i hate thinking of shit that's wrong
but i hate trying to not think about it becuase i don't want to just push away what i'm feeling.
i dont know.

fuck this.
i wanna fuck shit up sometimes.
im crazy.

convention tomorrrrow and all weekend.
nothing is phasing me. fuck.
it'll be a good time though,

helllllllllllllllllllll yeahhhh

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